Sta. Fe Beach Club: Philippines πŸŒ

These are some photos that I took while we were in the resort that we stayed in on a trip to Bantayan Island Cebu, Phillipines. It had been three long years that I wasn’t able to spend time with my family so when I went back home ( finally ) for a two week vacation, I thought it a good idea to go on a short out of town trip with them.

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There are a lot of resorts beside the beach to choose from in Bantayan Island. I had been to a couple of them way back when I was still in highschool and early college. Generally all resorts are good and most of them are just dotted right beside the shore. I ended up choosing Sta. Fe Beach club for us to stay in just because I haven’t been before and their room rates were well within my budget.


We were there during non-peak season and we arrived on a Friday so we pretty much had the resort to ourselves on our very first day. ( Peak season is during summer time, around March to May or during Holy Week which coincides with the annual fiesta in Bantayan Island. There are a bit more people during the weekends as well. )

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We rented out three rooms during our stay. One of them was right in front of the shoreline exactly where I stood while taking this photo.


That’s our room right there, included in the photo πŸ™‚


The second one a bit to the back. That’s the one right behind the coconut tree πŸ™‚


Our third room was on the second floor of this building. The first floor is the dining area for all guests. For photos of the inside of the rooms and their rates click here:


You can see local fishermen dock their boats early in the morning just to the side of the resort.

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A panorama shot that I was able to take one late afternoon when the tide was very low.

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Another panorama shot taken during sunset. That’s my brother sitting in one of the chairs. Hehe πŸ˜€

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Sta. Fe beach club is no fancy hotel type or waterpark themed resort. It’s small and modest BUT because of that, it makes it really ideal if you’re looking for some quite downtime from all the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We had a nice, fun, relaxing time during our stay here. I’ve always been a beach girl and so three days of sun, sand and sea really lifted up my spirits and made my soul very happy!

P.S. This is NOT a paid write up but just wanted to share our experience during our stay. If you do end up coming here, I hope you have as much of a good time as we did. xoxo

